Copying from Object Info in V21.28 into Excel

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Copying from Object Info in V21.28 into Excel

Post by jovivier »

In V21.28 we made some changes to ensure that the hydraulic information tables always line up correctly, even with tabular data such as the Pivot output and other languages. This meant changing the font and moving from tab-delimited to space-delimited format.

However, when you paste directly from the Object Info dialog into Excel, via Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V the information is all added into one cell.

To able to have the information placed in separate cells as previously:-
1. Highlight and copy the information from Object Info as per normal (Ctrl + C or by clicking the [Copy] button)

2. Open the Excel sheet and click the "Paste" icon and then select the “Use Text Import Wizard”.

3. A dialog will popup with the "Delimited" option selected. Click [Next].
4. The next dialog will have "Space" selected under 'Delimiters'. Click [Next].
5. This next dialog will have "General" select for the 'Column data format'. Click [Finish].
6. The copied data will be pasted into the speadsheet in separate cells.

For data that you have already pasted in to Excel and are in one cell:-


1. Highlight the first column of data (cells in the spreadsheet).
2. Action “Text to Columns” from the "Data" menu.
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