Importing elevation data procedure

Discussion about importing data, pictures and elevations into your designs, and the various methods of exporting your design information.
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Importing elevation data procedure

Post by mec_fern »

I am using irricad link V20. Does it matter when I import the elevation data into my design? In this case i drew out all my pipes and spray lines then imported the surface model (extracted and converted to irricad lines) and have very funky hydraulic errors and calculations. The errors and zone reports have are off by 10 psi on calculations (and some lines that have no elevation thus with 5000psi pressures), but when you click on an object on the design using object info, it shows correct pressures.

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Re: Importing elevation data procedure

Post by jabesmedeiros »

Hi Mr. Morales.

Have you tried to apply elevations assessment tools in order to check the surface model behaviour? Suggestions:

1) Double click the elevation lines, verify that they have an elevation assigned and this elevation can be edited. If not, check if you are correctly importing elevations (See: Irricad Options|Help Topics: Tutorials|Basic Start|Importing Other File Types|Elevations)

1) Run Reports|3D DEM View and check the generated surface. Does it shows distorsions? (Commonly this command is able to fix elevation errors)

2) Run Design|Calculate Elevation Errors.The final result should show the greatest elevation error and its coordinates for an accurate visual search.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards.

Jabes Medeiros.
Jabes Medeiros
Equipo de Soporte LA
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Re: Importing elevation data procedure

Post by phil »

I'm sure you will have done this already but it is worth noting that all the design/analysis processes will need to be rerun after any changes to elevations in a design (such as adding them). The design processes (and the checks Jabes mentions) will automatically re-interpolate the elevations.

The items you mention that have an extremely high pressure are an indication that your elevations don't span the complete design. IRRICAD's interpolation routines do calculate elevations for items that are a small distance outside the span, but if they are too far away items are given a elevation of a large negative number (to indicate a "missing" value). You will also get a warning that elevations don't span the design.


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