Permanent Layers and Version 21

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Permanent Layers and Version 21

Post by jovivier »

Version 21 introduces 4 new permanent layers:-
However, if you have previously added your own permanent layers you may find that items are ending up on the incorrect layer. This is because internally IRRICAD uses layer numbers, not names, when placing items on their default layer.
Additionally, if you have created your own permanent layer that has the same name as one of the new Version 21 default layers, for example a "LABELS" layer, you will find that your labels will be placed on the layer that is currently in the place where the IRRICAD default layer would be - that is the 23rd layer.

Note that the internal layer numbering starts at zero, therefore the 23rd layer is actually layer number 22.

To solve this issue:-
1. Run Regedit by typing the command into the Windows "Search" field.
2. Go to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\AEI Software\Irricad\LayerSettings and open this by clicking on the '>' symbol.
3. Delete every string that has a number higher than 19 (which is the PLOT_TEMPLATES layer).
4. Run IRRICAD Version 21. The four new default layers will be added.
5. Now add your own permanent layers if required, and [Save As Defaults].

Note that the GEImage and GEElevations layers will still be automatically added when importing from Google Earth.

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