There is a small bug in the Version 21.07 and 21.08 Database Editor that may be apparent if the grid view is sorted on a column before editing an item via the item's pop-out edit dialog.
Note that if after editing an item, a new item is created with a '~' at the beginning of the name then close the database and do not save it. The re-open the database.
To avoid the issue there are two things you can do:-
A) Do not sort the columns before editing an item.
B)Only make changes in the grid view:-
1. Ensure that the field you wish to change is visible in the grid view. If it is not, then right-click on a column name and enable which columns you wish to include.
2. Make the change for the item in the grid view.
It is safe to sort on columns to help locate the required item(s) as long as you do not double-click to open the item's pop-out edit dialog.
This issue will be rectified in the next patch for Standalone Version 21.