CAD Objects turn into Hydraulic Objects

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CAD Objects turn into Hydraulic Objects

Post by jabesmedeiros »

I'd like to report an error that is causing me some trouble. I'm sending you the Irricad file I'm working for checkup. The problem is that while I'm building the irrigation components as irrigation blocks with valves and spraylines some CAD objects suddenly turn into irrigation objects. For example, in the file I'm sending you a text that says "Cuartel Nº3" has been converted into a 40 mm PVC Pipe. :? Thank you in advance for your support. :) Best Regards!
Jabes Medeiros
Equipo de Soporte LA
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Re: CAD Objects turn into Hydraulic Objects

Post by jovivier »

In some circumstances CAD objects can turn into hydraulic objects in Version 14.
To avoid this from happening before starting your design do not save a blank design before importing the drawing into IRRICAD - so that the blank design is still "Untitled".

Note that for non-English versions draw something on the design, for example a line, before importing the drawing. After importing delete the original line or item.
To help make the line easy to find after importing the drawing place it on a specific IRRICAD layer, e.g., PLOT_TEMPLATES (make sure the layer is on in the Layer Bar). After importing the drawing the line and drawing information may be far apart and you may not be able to see them. Right-click on the PLOT_TEMPLATES layer and select Select Layer Entities which will highlight the line. Then press Delete. Now select View|Zoom All.

Note that this issue does not occur in Version 15.

If you have an existing design that has the problem follow the below steps:-
1) Open a new blank design.
2) Draw a line with the layer set to PLOT_TEMPLATES (make sure the layer is on in the Layer Bar).
3) Select File|Merge and select your design file.
4) Enable the options "Merge drawing items" and "Merge elevations".
5) Click the Merge button.
6) Delete the line drawn in step 2 by right-clicking on the PLOT_TEMPLATES layer and selecting Select Layer Entities. Then press Delete and action View|Zoom All.
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