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I cannot create automatic drip blocks when the lines are curved!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:43 am
by marcioagr
I would like to know if Irricad Standialone would have a tool for creating automatic drip blocks when planting lines are curved ............ this is very common here in Brazil in irregular areas.

Re: I cannot create automatic drip blocks when the lines are curved!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 9:43 am
by Dan Crosby
You cannot currently create a tape irrigation block entity with curved tapes, but you can use the Tape Block tool to create a block of curved tapes using the 'User Defined' and 'Polyline' lateral direction options.

This tool works best if you extend your example tape well outside the block boundary. It may take some experimentation to get the desired result.

You might also want to investigate the 'Offset Copy' function, with SHIFT pressed, to quickly copy a polyline 'curve' into a block that can then be converted into tapes:


Re: I cannot create automatic drip blocks when the lines are curved!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 12:58 pm
by marcioagr
OK friend!
Excellent tip, but I'm not able to use this function efficiently!
Wouldn't it be possible to send a link to a quick video on how to use the function?