Creating White Fills
If you have been selecting the white from the left-hand side of the colour palette on row 2 when creating white fills, and in Version 19 they are printing black, this is because this 'white' is now a repeat of colour 15. Colour 15 is the white/black flip/flop colour that will always print black but shows white on a dark background or black on a pale background, and was previously only selected from the end of the top line in the colour palette.
The first colour in rows 2 and 4 are both a repeat of Colour 15.
Download a new VGA.vcpal file from ... es/ . Save the zip file to your hard-drive and double-click on it to open. Drag the contents into the installed Version 19 folder, commonly located in C:\Program Files (x86)\AEI Software\IRRICAD Pro xx or C:\Program Files (x86)\Irricad\IRRICAD Pro xx, and overwrite the existing VGA.vcpal file.
Using Change, double-click on the Fill, or use Ctrl click for the list of items and select "Fill" then double-click, to edit the Fill. Re-select the white from the left-hand-side of row 2 of the colour palette.
This issue will be automatically fixed in the next Version 19 upgrade (post v19.09).