If IRRICAD Hangs After Start-Up

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If IRRICAD Hangs After Start-Up

Post by jovivier »

If IRRICAD hangs shortly after start-up and no menus or tools are active then this could mean that some of the environment files have become corrupted.

Firstly, reboot the computer. If this does not help then go to step 1.

The issue is commonly caused by a corruption in one or more files that contain some display and operational settings:-
1. Browse to the installed IRRICAD folder, commonly located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Irricad\Irricad Pro XX, where XX is the version number. Note, if you have upgraded older versions then the folder number will be from the last full installation. If you have more than one folder then open the folder with the highest version number.

2. Open the Config folder and locate the "Winicad.ini" file.

3. Rename this file to WinicadOld.ini.

4. Restart IRRICAD.

If the issue persists you can delete the new Winicad.ini file and rename the WinicadOld.ini back to Winicad.ini - this file remembers your toolbar settings. Then:-

5. Browse to the installed IRRICAD folder, commonly located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Irricad\Irricad Pro XX.

6. Locate and rename the “SysSett.vcenv” file, the “Winicad.sty” file, and the “Presets.vccfg” file (adding "Old" to the name is helpful if you want to rename them back at a later stage).


If the issue persists
The registry does not change between upgrades or uninstalling / re-installing. Therefore please follow these steps:-

1. Run Regedit and go to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\AEI Software\Irricad.

2. In the left-hand pane right-click on “Irricad” and select “Rename”. Rename to “Irricad Old”.

3. Close the registry.

4. Run IRRICAD. Does IRRICAD now run properly? If so go to 1-5, if not go to 2.

5. If IRRICAD runs properly please email the old registry - go back to the registry and right-click on “Irricad Old”. Select “Export” and save to a known location as “[your company name]Registry”. Then zip the reg file and email to Support@IRRICAD.com.

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